Sunday, February 24, 2013

Our first day in the school pool

The weather has been so sunny and hot, that it was fantastic to finally be able to get into the school pool.

Not many of the children had their togs, but these lucky ones were able to cool off.20130219_085246 20130219_085333 20130219_085339 20130219_085350


  1. Cool blog I like swimming to its good to have a good swim.

  2. Wow! A school pool! You guys are really lucky. Our school isn't big enough to even consider a pool! It looks like sooooooooooo much fun :D

  3. It must be amazing to have a pool at your school, we don't have one but we go to Bassetlaw Leisure centre to do swimmming lessons.
    Hope you have fun in the pool !!
