Friday, May 31, 2013

Year Six Boys Cross Country Race

Room Twelve and Room 13 spent a lot of time preparing for our cross country race.  The children were amazing on the day and huge congratulations to Bailey who made it six firsts in six years!  What a record.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cross Country Practise

We have been doing lots of preperation for our cross country race.  The children's fitness has improved noticeably and we are looking forward to ur big race on Thursday.

Egg Shaped

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pepper Pig by Katie and Jordyn

Stop Motion Movies

Here is the first movie from the children.

 Porky and Pork by Danielle, Aidan and Hamish

Measurement Monday

As part of our learning about volume measurement we have been making bread rolls on a Monday.  We are discovering that our rolls grow bigger if we knead them for longer.