Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fraction Art

Today we did some fraction art, comparing the size of fractions. We used sgraffitto to make our fraction circles.


  1. Hello!! My name is Evette I am from the quad blogging group!

    WOW! it looks like fraction art is fun and a cool way to do fractions!!

  2. Hi my name is Kieran I am from Frankley school.
    I love your art that you made it really has a great effect on the human eye, also a great way to work with fractions. do you guys and girls go out for regular games with your teacher for P.E

    Room 11, Frankley School


    1. Hi Keiran,

      We play sports every morning from 8.30 till 9.00 with another class. We have been reading the rules of some games during reading time and then learning to play them. W learned about pegball and from Room ten at your school we learned how to play Anderson Ball. This is just like capture the flag which is one of our favourite games and we are really enjoying playing it. It is pretty hard to get all four balls on one side. Next we are going to read about ki-o-rahi next and learn how to play that. She thinks it is pretty complicated though.

  3. Hi my name is Lucy. The work you have been doing looks like fun. We have been doing fractions as well. I really like your animoto that you made.

  4. We do lots of math art Lucy. We learned about Bridget Riley and Escher last term and did op art and tesselations. Lots of shapes and parrallell lines.
